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Below outlines all of the relevant Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 20/03/2024

Time 4 Nursery & Overton Kids Club

Terms and Conditions apply.


The following sets out our terms and conditions of the agreement that exists between you and us having registered your child for a place at Time 4 Nursery and or Overton Kids Club. It is very important that you read and clearly understand these prior to your child attending.


1. Registration: We must have a completed, signed registration form, together with a deposit of one week’s fees before we can guarantee a place for your child to attend. Should there be no vacancies, the deposit will be returned. Once your child has been booked into Nursery, the deposit will be credited to your final invoice, provided that the terms and conditions set out have been met and there are no fees outstanding. All deposits will be retained if the place is not taken up or you postpone your registered start date by more than two weeks to cover administration/loss of revenue costs. A further week’s deposit will be required to re-register a new start date.

1a. Government Funded Sessions; * No deposit required if using Government Funded only sessions. Stretched Hours: Where the provider chooses to offer the ability for parents to stretch hours to be used over other period such as school holidays etc. subject to availability. These days/hours need to be agreed between parent and provider and the following applies: There is no transfer of any stretched EEF entitlement should the child move to a new childcare provider. A consumables charge may be applied & funds everything we provide above & beyond the statutory EYFS requirements. The maximum EEF entitlement within any week, including the stretched hours cannot exceed 15 universal hours per week and 15 extended hours per week. Reduction to sessions can only be offered for the next term.


2. Opening Hours and Sessions: The nursery is open 52 weeks of the year - Monday to Friday from - 7.30am to 6.00pm. Your child may attend full time, full days or sessions. A minimum of 1 full day per week is required. The after school club (Overton Kids Club / OKC) is open term time, Monday to Friday from 2.30pm until 5.30pm. We do not stipulate a minimum of sessions. As our club serves a number of local primary schools, it remains open to all children on all school teacher days.

Please make sure your child is collected from nursery/OKC ON TIME otherwise late pick-up charges of £20.00 will automatically be added to your next payment. This charge is made because of the additional employment and administration costs incurred and we believe it only fair that this charge is not absorbed and payable by parents who always collect their children on time.

*Collection of children outside the published closing time at either setting will incur a charge of £25.00 per child for the first quarter hour and £15.00 per child per quarter hour thereafter. This charge is made because of the additional employment and administration costs incurred. If after a period of 1/2 hour the nursery or club has not been able to contact the child’s parents/carers/emergency contacts, then we have a duty to care to ring social services.

It is appreciated that on rare occasions circumstances may make late collection unavoidable. On these occasions we would ask you to contact Time 4 Nursery on 01524 851288 or Overton Kids Club on 07535 156277 as soon as possible to let us know what alternative arrangements have been made to collect your child.


3. Fees & Payments:

All fees must be paid daily, weekly, or monthly IN ADVANCE and on-line.

Daily/Weekly - All fees must be paid at the beginning of your child’s 1st session.

Monthly - All fees must be paid on/before the date stated on your invoice.

* Late payments will be subject to an administration charge of £20.00.

* If fees remain unpaid for more than two weeks, we reserve the right to

cancel your child’s place.

* Fees may be reviewed & increased at any time. However, a minimum of 1 weeks’ notice will be given.

A consumable charge maybe added to ALL Government funded sessions for everything we provide above & beyond the statutory EYFS requirements; resources, equipment, Level 3 + staff, Sen staff, staff training, drinks, snacks utilities, installation, repair and maintenance of Faculty and Administrative Unit owned specialty systems and equipment which are used primarily to carry out the work of that area. Upgrades to existing spaces, including specialized lighting, power, locksets and finishes as well as general décor/maintenance etc. For more information on fully funded sessions, please contact the office.

No refund or additional sessions will be given due to holidays/absences/sickness/other, as a permanent place is booked for your child. All childcare facilities are closed on Bank Holidays no refund or additional sessions will be given for this closure as this has already been taken into account when calculating your child’s fees. At Time 4 Nursery, where we offer a reduced fee rate after your child’s second birthday, that reduction will take effect when a space becomes available in our Sunshine Room.

Nursery Closures: Should Nursery be told to close by the Government, we will follow Government guidelines. If we can remain open for key worker families, vulnerable children /others: full fees will be required as per our terms and conditions as a permanent place has been booked for your child regardless of whether you choose to send your child to Nursery or OKC, as we still remain open and available to offer childcare for your child/ren.

Where we are unable to allow your child to attend due to Government restrictions, to remain sustainable we may ask for a voluntary % of your fees to be paid. This is to remain sustainable, continue to pay staff, overheads, bills & to be able to re-open & continue to offer quality childcare for your child & the local community.


4. Absences/Sickness/Other: If your child is not attending, please inform us as soon as possible. For the care of other children, please keep your child at home if they are suffering from sickness, diarrhea, or any contagious/infectious illness for a minimum of 48 hours from their last bout of illness (or longer dependent on Government advice/guidelines). If a child becomes sick whilst in our care, we will contact the parent/carer or emergency contact person to collect him/her immediately. If a child arrives at Time 4 Nursery or Overton Kids Club and staff feel that he/she is unwell they will advise the parent/carer that they cannot be accepted for a 24/48hour period. If an accident occurs within the setting, we reserve the right to call for emergency assistance and, if necessary, take your child to hospital.

5.Medication: Our staff are permitted to administer prescribed medicines with a clear prescription label with the child's name and date of birth. Please see a member of staff to complete a medication form. If your child has been prescribed antibiotics or received their immunization injections, please refrain from bringing them into nursery for a period of 48hours (this is in case they have a reaction).


6. Staffing: Should there be staff absences, management are available to cover. However, should there be numerous staff absences due to a pandemic or other. To remain open and comply with child/staff ratios, we may need to prioritize children attending. Priority may be given to: Key Worker children, vulnerable children; 2yr funded/Special Education Needs children, working family children.


7. Clothing & Personal Property: All children’s clothing should be clearly labeled. If your child is in nappies, please provide sufficient disposable nappies wipes & creams for each day. A charge of £2.00 per nappy will be added to your next payment if the settings Nappies are used. Toys/Valuables: Parents are requested to ensure that children do not bring toys/jewellery, money or other valuables into Time 4 Nursery or Overton Kids Club, we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to valuables.


8. Car Parking/Electric Gates/CCTV: Parents are welcome to use the car park at the nursery, however, please drive slowly and with caution, giving right of way to all pedestrians at all times. We will not be responsible for any accidents, theft or damage to any vehicles. Parents are responsible for their children once collected. For parents whose children attend Overton Kids Club, please refrain from obstructing/using the bus lane.

Nursery has installed CCTV and Electric Gates, please make sure you read all notices relating to these. The CCTV is installed externally and internally for our use only. Electric Gates, please be patient when waiting for the gate to fully open prior to walking through. If they are not fully open and you walk through the beam, they will automatically begin to close. Please do not try to stop it or push it as this may cause damage to them.


10.Termination: If you are removing your child, two weeks’ notice in writing is required. Time 4

Nursery & Overton Kids Club have the right to end this agreement if;

You have failed to pay your fees. You have breached any of your obligations under the Terms & Conditions, and you have not or cannot put right that breach within a reasonable period of us asking you to. Your child’s behaviour is unacceptable or endangers the safety and wellbeing of any of the other children or staff at Nursery or OKC. Or, we take the decision to close our setting/s. We will give you as much notice as possible of such a decision.

Should either setting close for a period of time due to circumstances beyond our control we shall

be under no obligation to provide alternative childcare.


11. Employment of Staff: If during this agreement and for a period of 6 months after the termination of this agreement, you directly or indirectly employ or otherwise engage the services of any member of our staff who has had contact with your child then you shall pay to us a figure representing 20% of the relevant member of staff’s gross annual salary at the time they left our employment. This figure represents the costs to us of recruiting a suitable replacement member of staff.


12. Child Protection: We have an obligation to report to the relevant authorities any concerns we may have relating to a child in our care. We may do so without your consent and/or without informing you.


13. Complaints: If you have any complaints please see a Manager. Should the matter not be resolved to your satisfaction, please refer the matter to a Proprietor. Any further action you wish to take, contact The National Business Unit, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD. Tel: 0300 123 1231. A complaints file is located in the office, where complaints are logged. You may have access to this if you require.


14. A full copy of more detailed individual Policies & Procedures including the updated 2018 GDPR  are displayed in our main porch. A paper copy can also be provided ~ please contact the office to request a copy.


Registered with Ofsted, Pre-School Learning Alliance & Surestart Early Years & Childcare Department.

Inspected By Ofsted : (Time 4 Nursery ~ July 2023) & (Overton Kids Club ~ February 2023).

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